**Antique Watch**古董怀表
**Breeder:** Naruhiko Yajima, Japan
**English Name:** Antique Watch
**Height:** 150-170cm
**Characteristics:** Unknown
**Flower Type:** Double (60-70 petals)
**Flower Color:** Blue-purple
**Flowering Period:** Recurrent throughout the seasons
**Flower Diameter:** 6-8cm
**Fragrance:** ★★★★☆
**Blooming Frequency:** ★★★★☆
**Disease Resistance:** ★★★☆☆
**Origin:** Japan
Antique Watch is a rose variety bred by Naruhiko Yajima. It has blue-purple flowers with a diameter of 6-8cm and a strong fragrance. The plant height ranges from 150-170cm. The blooms are densely packed with petals, starting as light purple and gaining a hint of pink as they mature. Besides its unique and beautiful color, this rose is known for its very strong and pleasant fragrance.