Tamaki-Misora is a rose variety bred by Keiji Kunieda in Japan and introduced in 2014. Its Japanese name is “環~美空” (Tamaki-Misora), and it is a sport of the rose “Tamaki”.
This rose grows to a height of 80 cm, with flowers measuring 6-8 cm in diameter. The blooms have a creamy yellow center and pale pink outer petals, forming a cup-shaped flower. It has a light fruity fragrance. The blooms feature the signature rosette shape of the “Yuzan” series, with densely packed petals and slightly ruffled, lace-like edges. The flower color is variable as it opens, and it performs well as a long-lasting cut flower.
Tamaki-Misora is a prolific bloomer, with multiple flowering cycles throughout the year. It also has good heat tolerance, making it a reliable and versatile choice for gardens or arrangements.